In the course overview page, your courses are sorted by course code in alphabetical order. By default only courses under the current school term will be listed so that the webpage will not be overwhelmed. To view courses from previous school terms, click on the term codes to expand other school term sections.

Some course contents will generate reminders to the users in the course overview, such as the due dates of assignments, which are also collapsed by default. Click on the attention link to view the details of the reminder.

Click to Expand

Click on the course title to view the course contents.

Course contents are listed In the middle of the webpage. You may easily get lost as you dive into deeper content levels. Use the hyperlinks in the Navigation bar to return to an upper level, or click the “My home” on the navigation bar to return to the course overview page.

最后修改: 2014年08月14日 星期四 12:06