To view a discussion thread:

  1. Open the forum.
  2. Click on the title of a discussion thread to open it.
    Forum thread title
  3. Replies are displayed in nested form. You can choose other displaying methods from the drop-down list at the top of the thread.
    Forum thread reply

You can reply a forum post with text as well as files.

  1. Under the forum post that you would like to reply, click the “Reply” link.
  2. Fill in the message body.
  3. Optionally add attachment by using the File Picker to select one or more files into the File Manager. Maximum number and size of attached files are controlled by the forum settings.
  4. Check “Mail now” if you prefer the subscription email to be sent immediately. Otherwise the subscription email will be sent 30 minutes after the post is made.
  5. Click the “Post to forum” button.
마지막 수정됨: 목요일, 14 8월 2014, 3:44 PM