You can optionally give feedback comment or attach feedback file to an assignment. This is controlled by the Feedback settings in the assignment settings page.

Feedback settings in Assignment settings page

To give feedback to an assignment:

  1. Open the assignment.
  2. Click the link “View/grade all submissions”, either under the Grading summary table, or under Assignment administration in the Administration block.
  3. Under the Grade column, locate the student and click the grade icon Grade icon.
  4. Enter the Feedback comments if applicable.
  5. Use the File Manager to upload the Feedback files if applicable.
  6. Click the “Save changes” button.

It is completely valid to grade an assignment without providing any feedback. On the other hand, it is also valid to give feedback to an assignment without grading it under certain conditions.

最后修改: 2014年08月14日 星期四 15:40