The overall percentage shown both in Moodle page and in the summary report are the same, but you may found that such overall percentage is neither the average nor the highest of all sources.

For example, there is a submission with overall similarity rate 45% while the highest percentage in detailed report is 25%. It has no conflict as is it only refers to the percentage of each particular source compare to the student's submission while the overall 45% is the sum of all mutual exclusive percentage.

In this example, there are total 20 sentences for that submission. Source A has 5 sentences in common with the submission (25%) while Source B has 4 sentences (20%). But one sentence exists in both Source A and Source B, so the overall percentage for that submission will be (5 + 4 - 1) / 20 = 40% (not 45% nor 25% nor 20%).

Last modified: Thursday, 14 August 2014, 3:38 PM