Improper setup can block students from submitting their works.
If in doubt, guide the students to submit in groups instead of using this group assignment feature.

Please read the following before setting up group assignments:

  • DO NOT mix up the concept of activity’s Group mode! (see “How to apply Groups / Groupings to an activity?”) For a group assignment, grouping should be applied to “Grouping for student groups” under “Assignment settings” section, but not “Grouping” under “Common module settings”. Unless you are also limiting the access of that particular group assignment to specific students (e.g. because of meta-course or co-teaching), then you may need to enable the “Group mode” and then assign a different grouping to the “Grouping” setting.
  • There is no “team leader” role in a group. If you choose not to enforce “Require all group members submit”, then technically any student in a group can perform the submit action.
  • All students can view and update the submitted files and online text of their own group. The system cannot trace which group members made what intermediate changes at what time. When you view the grade table, you will only get the final version of the group submission.
Last modified: Thursday, 14 August 2014, 3:36 PM